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How VoIP Could Help Companies During The Coronavirus Outbreak

We hope that the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak won’t be as bad as it is in Italy and China, but over the next few days the government will be announcing further measures to try and contain the spread of the virus. Let’s look at how VoIP could help companies during the coronavirus outbreak.

Coronavirus Latest

As we write this, the 60 million citizens of Italy are under special quarantine measures and England’s Chief Medical Officer has said that:

“people who showed “even minor” signs of respiratory tract infections or a fever would soon be told to self-isolate for seven days in an effort to tackle the outbreak.”

All the medical scientific advice so far, is telling us that the situation is likely to get worse before it gets better.

The advice is likely to get more stringent over the next 10-14 days and working from home, when possible, is being actively encouraged.

So, what are the different ways that VoIP could help companies during the coronavirus outbreak.

VoIP Let’s You Work Anywhere

One of the biggest benefits of using VoIP when you are working at home is that you get most, if not all, of the office functionality that you would if you were in the office.

Provided staff have a pc, laptop or tablet and an internet connection, they should be able to carry out most of their normal duties.

Depending on the type of business, this should mean that some companies could continue to operate even if staff are working from home or have been advised to self-isolate.

VoIP Video Calls For NHS

The NHS Trust are issuing advice that members of the public who have any of the coronavirus symptoms should not be seen at their local surgery, but instead they should be consulted via telephone or video.

Video calling is one of the foundations of VoIP communications and over the years the picture and sound quality has improved hugely.

VoIP Video Calls For Schools And Education

If the coronavirus situation continues to escalate and schools and universities are forced to close, then VoIP video calling will allow anyone in education to still receive some lessons.

One school in Devon, that closed after a student was diagnosed with coronavirus, has already used VoIP video calls for lessons already.

Pupils from Churston Ferrers Grammar School were loaned laptops and issued with four blocks of 75 minutes work to complete, to mirror their normal school hours.

The Deputy Head of the school David Lewis said:

“Obviously, it’s not normal to have to set work virtually for a whole week, teachers are having to think about how to adapt.”

Mr. Lewis also said that:

“”We feel quite fortunate we’ve been able to provide this technology. The interactivity is really powerful,”

Using VoIP In Emergency Situations

It’s not just in patients and pupils who can use VoIP during the coronavirus outbreak.

Video conference technology ensures that staff meetings and staff training can still go ahead, regardless of where employees are.

The very nature of this crisis means the situation is often changing minute by minute and businesses have to think on their feet and be adaptable.

If a place of work must close at short notice, VoIP technology allows call re-direction and bespoke voicemails to be recorded.

These are just a few of the ways that VoIP could help companies during the coronavirus outbreak, most VoIP systems have a wealth of additional functions to be used.

Tips For Working From Home With VoIP

In times like this, we people are being actively encouraged to work from home, it’s all too easy for employees to feel isolated, not just be isolated.

Feeling isolated during a worrying time can have a negative effect on the health and wellbeing of people.

If possible, encourage or arrange video or telephone ‘check ins’ with employees to make sure everything is ok.

We wouldn’t advise micromanaging as this could exacerbate any issues they may be encountering.

When you first start to work from home, there can be a tendency to work longer hours, because you can.

Just check one more email or finish that report in front of the television at 10pm. But the work/life balance needs to be kept in check, so staff should be encouraged to work their regular hours if possible.

The cloud technology that VoIP uses allows files, projects and data to be accessed at all times, giving workers more tools to work away from the office.

One of the old problems with viruses and workplaces is that people would come into work, even when they are suffering badly because their files and what they need to work is at the office.

Which in some ways is admirable, but if this spreads a virus to others then in the long run it’s not a very good idea.

If they can work from home with VoIP during the coronavirus outbreak, then this may discourage them from coming in.

Get In Touch

We hope that we have given you some useful information on how VoIP can help during the coronavirus outbreak, but if you do have any questions you would like help with then please do get in touch.

You can telephone us on 03300881182, email or use our online contact form located here.









