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How can I improve staff training with VoIP?

VoIP offers many useful features that facilitate daily work and reduce time wasted within the company. There are four main features that are designed to help you train your staff and develop the way they handle calls from your clients. These features are: Monitoring, whispering, barge and recording.

How To Improve Staff Training With VoIP Monitoring

VoIP monitoring allows you to listen to calls between your staff and your clients without being detected. Your end will be completely muted and you will be able to join and leave the conversation at any time without making any noise or clicking sounds.

This way, you’ll be listening and analysing weak and strong points in call handling techniques within your company without making your clients uncomfortable.

How To Improve Staff Training With VoIP Whispering & Voice Barge

Imagine if you are monitoring the call of a new agent and the client asked about something he/she doesn’t know, or if your agent started to give a wrong answer and needed an immediate correction from your side, what would you do?

VoIP whispering is a tool designed to solve such critical situations by allowing you to join the call and speak directly to your agents without being heard by the clients.

Exactly like if you are whispering in their ears. Through this tool, you will be able to assist your agents on what they need to say, give them any details they need, or advise them to give an offer or make a certain deal when necessary.

VoIP barge, on the other hand, allows you to fully join the call and be heard by both your agent and your client if you found the situation calls for such action.

How To Improve Staff Training With Call Recording

Another handy feature that is commonly used by most of the companies today is call recording. This tool allows you to record all the incoming and outgoing calls in your system and listen to these calls at any time.

You can then evaluate the overall performance of your staff, identify best practices and outstanding agents that deserve a reward for example, and which one of them requires more training and development.

This way, you can improve call handling techniques in your company and provide a better call experience to your clients.



VoIP features are limitless. Learn more about what VoIP can provide to businesses in this article: Click here.

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